Sabbir at the Estate Agents

Sabbir at the Estate Agents

A story from the perspective of the migrant community exploring housing injustices and sofa surfing. Written by award-winning playwright, Sonali Bhattacharyya, performed by Mansa Ahmed, with Noor Bashir.

“Mum has a last minute panic – told you she was stressed. She got me to write everything she needs to say in English last week, when we got all the papers together. She’s been practising. She’s wondering if I should stay out here. Does it look better if she goes in by herself, speak to him adult to adult? Will he take her more seriously? We’ve been on the sofa bed at my friend Raza’s for three months. They’re good people – keep saying ‘no rush, no rush. Stay as long as you need.’

Between a quarter and a third of the UK’s rough sleepers are estimated to be from a migrant background, with migrants comprising 50% of London's homeless population.