This is What It Means

This is What It Means

A rousing chorus for justice, fairness and societal change by Artistic Director and joint CEO of Cardboard Citizens, Chris Sonnex, performed by Shahab Awad together with Community Company.

“If the people in charge were up to the job, their conscience could never preside over a society that allowed profit margins over people, housing markets over families, data over caring.”

242,000 households in the UK are experiencing the most severe forms of homelessness – rough sleeping, living in cars, squats, tents, sofa-surfing, or in temporary and unsuitable accommodation. Over 100,000 households are living in conditions that fail to meet basic needs that’s a larger population than Brixton, Camden, Notting Hill and Hackney combined.

The reality is that homelessness isn’t just an individual struggle—there is a societal responsibility to change the narrative.